1595 Selby Avenue

Merrlam Park - Saint Paul, MN 55104

(651) 646-0996

About Us:

Abbott Insurance Agency has been saving Minnesotans money and providing them with excellent insurance coverage since 1967. Our multiple office locations, Fridley and St. Paul, make purchasing, maintaining, and updating your insurance products convenient and timely. As an independent insurance agency we are able to shop and provide numerous types of insurance coverages from a number of well-recognized insurance providers. We represent over a dozen insurance companies and specialize in auto, home, and recreational vehicle coverage.


About Abbco Insurance Agency,:

Abbott Insurance Agency has been saving Minnesotans money and providing them with excellent insurance coverage since 1967. Our multiple office locations, Fridley and St. Paul, make purchasing, maintaining, and updating your insurance products convenient and timely. As an independent insurance agency we are able to shop and provide numerous types of insurance coverages from a number of well-recognized insurance providers. We represent over a dozen insurance companies and specialize in auto, home, and recreational vehicle coverage.

Category: Financial Insurance


Business Hours:

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 09:00am to 05:00pm
Tuesday: 09:00am to 05:00pm
Wednesday: 09:00am to 05:00pm
Thursday: 09:00am to 05:00pm
Friday: 09:00am to 05:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:

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